Sonoma County Support for Immigrant Communities
The Executive Board of the Sonoma Valley Democrats has endorsed the Sonoma County Support for Immigrant Communities letter which can be found here: Sonoma County Support for Immigrant Communities
Sonoma Valley Democrats Ceasefire Resolution
The majority of members present and voting at the Sonoma Valley Democrats General Meeting on May 20th, 2024, voted in favor of our Resolution for a Ceasefire and End Hostilities in Palestine. The resolution can be found here: Sonoma Valley Democrats Ceasefire Resolution
SV Dems Support Letter to Pres. Biden re: Inequities with Medicare and Medicare Advantage
Many thanks to our speakers and attendees at our February virtual General Meeting. At the meeting, Dr. Mary McDevitt presented “Medicare: Level the Playing Field” and the majority of members present voted to support the letter to President Biden found at:
The updated Sonoma Valley Democrats resolution opposing the storage of LPG tankers in Schellville can be found here: SVD 011024 Tanker Resolution
SV Dems Support Safe Firearms Storage Ordinance
At our May General meeting, a motion was made to approach Mayor Sandra Lowe and the Sonoma City Council to consider a Safe Firearm Storage Ordinance. The full minutes of the May 22 General Meeting can be read here: SVDems General May 22, 2023
SV Dems Support Campaign to Unionize at the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn
At the Sonoma Valley Democrats virtual April General Meeting we heard a presentation about the campaign to unionize at the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn from UNITE HERE staff and workers at the Fairmont. Our club members present unanimously voted in favor of a motion to support the efforts to unionize. Click here to read the letter that was sent to Edward Roe, Manager of the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn, with copies to our elected officials: SVD Fairmont res.
At the Sonoma Valley Democrats virtual October General Meeting, the statement below was endorsed by a majority of members present. The people of Sonoma Valley are deeply concerned about plans for the Sonoma Developmental Center site and our club members believe that an independent special district is the right approach to protect and wisely manage the site for the future.
The Sonoma Valley Democratic Club supports a proposal for the Sonoma Developmental Center that keeps the land in a Special District in public hands in perpetuity and provides a mechanism for long term local community control in the Sonoma Valley.
Resolution to Prevent the Privatization of Traditional Medicare
At the SVD General Meeting on September 26, 2022, the members present unanimously voted to support the “Resolution To Stop the Privatization of Traditional Medicare” sponsored by Physicians for a National Health Program and Mary McDevitt, MD, and to send a letter to Xavier Becerra, Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Copied on the letter were Joseph Biden, President of the United States and Congressman Mike Thompson.
Resolution To Stop the Privatization of Traditional Medicare: Resolution Final
Letter to Xavier Becerra: Becerra Letter
SB 1016 (Portantino) Special Education: Eligibility: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
At the SVD General Meeting on March 28, 2022, the members present unanimously voted to support SB 1016 (Portantino), which would require that Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) be included under the “other health impairment” definition for Individual Education Plans to expand eligibility for pupils to receive special education and related services. Learn more at:
At the SVD General Meeting on February 28, 2022, the members present unanimously voted to support the California Living Wage Act 2022 which increases the minimum wage to $16.00 per hour, effective January 1, 2023, and by $1.00 each of the next two years, to $18.00 per hour on January 1, 2025.
At the SVD General Meeting on April 26, 2021, the members present unanimously voted to endorse the Climate-Safe California Platform: the path to net-negative emissions by 2030 in California. Read more about the platform at: platform Individuals may also endorse at: Endorse Climate-Safe California here
WHEREAS, the 2020 Vision of the Sonoma City Council is that Sonoma will continue as a vibrant, entrepreneurial economy fueled largely by retention and incubation of locally-owned businesses that complement the small-town atmosphere and provide high-paying jobs; and
WHEREAS, the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) in March 2020 noted that, “despite the significant gains in health care coverage spurred by the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, roughly 23 million Americans between the ages of 19 and 64 are uninsured, and another 64 million are underinsured”; and
WHEREAS, the EPI also noted that a Single-Payer medical health care plan would “bolster the labor market, strengthen economic security for millions of U.S. households, and would likely boost the number of jobs in the U.S. labor market”; and
WHEREAS, according to the Commonwealth Fund in January 2020, “the United States spends more on health care as a share of the economy — nearly twice as much as the average OECD country — yet has the lowest life expectancy and highest suicide rates among … 11 nations”; and
WHEREAS, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures in 2018, premiums for families have gone from roughly $13,500 per year in 2009 to nearly $20,000 per year in 2018 (a roughly 4.3% increase each year, even as inflation between those periods has been 1.76% per year); and
WHEREAS, in an October 2019 study reported by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the amount of total “waste” in our present healthcare delivery system was reported at between $760 Billion to $935 Billion, “accounting for approximately 25% of total health care spending”; and
WHEREAS, a Single-Payer Health Insurance program for the State of California, as advocated by Governor Newsom, would build upon the successful public health programs such as Medicare, MediCal and that of the Veterans Health Administration, and would provide healthcare to all residents of the state independent of their employment status; and
WHEREAS, healthcare institutions and providers could be spared much of the administrative costs and time burden that can now characterize the provision of healthcare services; and
WHEREAS, households in the City of Sonoma are likely to save money under a Single-Payer Healthcare System and physicians would be able to focus on efficiently providing the best care possible for all residents; and
WHEREAS, the cost of city employee healthcare benefits (now running at about $700,000 per year, not counting health care costs embedded in other contracts) could decrease to the City of Sonoma, allowing more funds for other public uses; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sonoma that it hereby encourages and supports a Single-Payer Healthcare System for California; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Sonoma urges the California Legislature to pass and Governor Newsom to sign AB 1400 (Kalra, D-San Jose, 2021), the “Guaranteed Health Care for All” bill implementing such a system.
January 9, 2021: The following letter was sent to Congressman Mike Thompson on behalf of the Sonoma Valley Democratic Club:
Dear Congressman Thompson:
The Sonoma Valley Democrats are appalled by the horrendous actions committed by the domestic terrorists on Wednesday when they attacked the Capitol Building and the entire Congressional assembly, House and Senate members.
First and foremost we are thankful for your safety! We are grateful to you for continuing your sacred duty that same night to complete the work of formally acknowledging the Electoral Vote count that was produced by the free and fair elections of the citizens of the United States of America.
We support you completely in demanding the 25th Amendment be implemented as well as the Articles of Impeachment of the President of the United States. He is unfit for office, a serious, imminent danger to the American people every day he is left in that office, and should be disqualified from running for any office in the future.
If there is anything we can do, or you want or need from our club, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Beth Hadley, President, Sonoma Valley Democrats
At the SVD August General Meeting, our members voted to endorse CA Proposition 19: the Property Tax Transfers, Exemptions, and Revenue for Wildfire Agencies and Counties Amendment. “Prop 19 is a positive step to make housing more affordable and accessible for families, seniors, and victims of wildfire, while closing an unfair tax loophole that will generate hundreds of millions in needed revenue for local school districts, fire districts as well as cities and counties to help fund emergency responders, homeless services and affordable housing, hospitals, public health programs, and other vital services.” – Toni Atkins, State Senate President pro Tempore.
At the SVD August General Meeting, our members voted to endorse “Sonoma County United in Crisis,” an initiative that calls on local government to prioritize meeting residents’ basic needs. More info at:
June, 12, 2020: Letter to Mayor Logan Harvey. City of Sonoma
Dear Mayor Harvey:
On behalf of the Executive Board of he Sonoma Valley Democrats, I want to sincerely thank you for taking the “Mayor’s Pledge” to review Sonoma’s use of force policies; engage our community by including a diverse range of input, experiences, and stories in your review; report
the findings of your review to our community and seek feedback; and to reform our community’s police use of force policies.
We also thank you for stepping up during the current COVID-19 pandemic to provide leadership and personal commitment by actions such as helping to distribute food to those in need. In addition, we commend your energy and passion in standing for racial justice and actively working to provide a safe environment for peaceful protest in Sonoma.
We stand with you for in these actions and are grateful to have you working for our community!
Sincerely, Beth G. Hadley, President, Sonoma Valley DemocratsS